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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This tutorial was written by me
Any tutorial similar is highly coincidental
This tutorial was written for those who have a basic knowledge of psp
This tuttorial was written psp x2

Supplies Needed
Scrap kit - Nightmare 2 by Kristin which you can buy HERE

Scrap Kit Supplies

Lets Get Started
Open a new 600 x 250 transparent image
Copy and paste VooDooChildTS_SBR16 on your tag
Copy and paste VooDooChildTS_SBR14 on your tag and change the blend mode to soft light
Copy and paste VooDooChildTS_SBR43 and move to the top left and change the blend mode to screen
Resize VooDooChildTS_SBR23 to 300 x 301 and paste and move to the top of right
Duplicate VooDooChildTS_SBR23 and change the blend mode to hard light
With the rectangle preset shape tool draw a small white rectangle on the bottom of your tag
Effects - texture - blinds and use my settings

Change the opacity on the rectangle to somewhere around 56
With the rectangle selected - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders and use my settings

With a spooky font type VooDoo on the white rectangle and keep typing VooDoo until it fills the page
Convert the text to raster and change the blend mode to Burn
Resize VooDooChildTS_SBR50 to 262 x 518 and paste on your tag
move so the face is showing - selections - select all - float - defloat - modify - expand by 2 - add new raster and flood fill with white 5 times on same layer
Resize VooDooChildTS_SBR10 to 156 x 200 and paste on your tag and move to the top left side of your tag copy and paste VooDooChildTS_SBR31 on your tag and change the blend mode to soft light
Resize VooDooChildTS_SBR07 to 115 x 150 and paste on your tag and move to the top right over the moon
Add new raster - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders and use the same settings as before
Flood fill with a gradient of a dark and light color from your tag
add noise and add an inner bevel
Add new raster - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders and instead of the border at 4 put it to 5 and flood fill with white
Add your name and copyright and your done
Thanks for trying this tut


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