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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


This tutorial was written by me

Any tutorial similar is highly coincidental

This tutorial was written for those who have a basic knowledge of psp

This tuttorial was written psp x2

Supplies Needed

Tube of choice

Scrap kit - Snowlicious by Kristin which you can buy HERE

Word Art by me which you can get HERE

ScrapKit supplies

Kristin - Snowlicious - Snow

Kristin - Snowlicious - Snow Cone 2

Kristin - Snowlicious - Snowy Tree 1

Kristin - Snowlicious - Wreath

Kristin - Snowlicious - Paper 15

Lets Get Started

Open a new 550 x 500 image

Resize Kristin - Snowlicious - Wreath to 89% and paste on the new image

Add a slight dropshadow to your wreath - then repeat the step but with the negatives of the numbers you chose

Copy and paste Kristin - Snowlicious - Paper 15 on your tag and move it below the wreath

Chose your Magic wand tool and with your wreath layer selected click the middle

Selections - select all - modify - expand by atleast 10 - invert - with the paper layer selected click delete on keyboard

Copy and paste Kristin - Snowlicious - Snow and move under the wreath and over the paper

Chose the magic wand tool and with the paper layer selected click the middle

Selections - invert - and with the snow selected hit delete on your keyboard

Paste Kristin - Snowlicious - Snow on your tag and move it above the wreath

Chose the magic wand and look at the toolbar - and make sure the tolerance is at 180

with the wreath layer selected click on it

Selections - invert - with the snow selected hit delete on your keyboard

Resize Kristin - Snowlicious - Snowy Tree 1 to 76% and paste on tag and move to the left side

Add a slight dropshadow to your tree

Resize Kristin - Snowlicious - Snow Cone 2 to 47% and past on your tag and move to the top right with a slight curve

Add a slight drop shadow to the snow cone

Paste your tube on your tag(you may need to resize first)

Add a slight drop shadow to the tube

Paste my wordart on the tag and move to the bottom of your tag

Add your name and correct copyright

Congratulations you have finished

Thanks for trying my tut


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