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Friday, August 5, 2011

Emo Cutie

This tutorial was written by me
Any tutorial similar is highly coincidental
This tutorial was written for those who have basic knowledge of psp
 This tutorial was written in pspx2 but can work in other versions
Tutorial written august 5th, 2011

Supplies Needed
Scrap kit - Emo Cutie by Crystals Creations - Find her blog HERE
You can buy the kit HERE
Scrap Kit Supplies
emo cutie33
emo cutie32
emo cutie23
emo cutie14
emo cutie8
emo cutie3
Lets Get Started
Open a new 500 x 500 transparent image - resize emo cutie32 to 442 x 450 and paste on your tag - paste ecp8 on your tag and move below the frame - go to the frame layer and with your magic wand click the center of the frame - selections / modify / expand by 8 / selections / invert - go back to the paper layer and hit delete on your keyboard

Paste emo cutie 3 on your tag(above the frame) - resize emo cutie 23 to 286 x 475 and paste on your tag - resize emo cute 8 to 500 x 146 and paste on your tag - move to the bottom of your tag - resize emo cutie33 to 200 x 160 and paste on your tag - move to the bottom left of your tag - resize emo cutie 14 to 206 x 250 and paste on your tag - move to the bottom right of your tag - duplicate it and move one below the emo cutie girl - no select the top bear and with your eraser tool erase the parts of the bear that are on top of the girl

Add your name and copyright - and your done
Another tag with this scrap kit


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